well,heres some pics i took in kajang ytd to commemorate my mooncake festival this year.
Lolz..its been a rlly long time since i updated this blog..haha..kinda lz to write recently..and also most of the time bz wif assignments and all..but then again,since i've already created it,lets not leave it empty and therefore decided to update it..i've added 5 new songs,great songs..those who view this blog should listen to it.
Lots of things happened lately...let me kinda summarise it...hmm..started my 3rd and final sem in INTI few weeks back and the weekend of the 1st week,me and my frens(kok tzuen,lee ling,joshua and me) went to sunway for a 2days1nite trip and stayed in Sun Inn...we did lots of things and played like mad in sunway lagoon..and ont he 1st nite,i watched the 1st 3d movie in my life-Final Destination 4..lolz..quite an interesting experience,would have been a great experience if it werent for the expensive ticket..the 2nd day,we shopped till we nearly drop dead..was a great experience
The raya week was a vry quiet and kinda relax week as we SAM and few foundations students are the onli 1 here as the rest are still on a 1 week raya break as we hav onli mon and tues holiday..Then on the 26th,my dad fetched me up to subang and we went AUS-ED to enquire bout which college provides what courses..and then i realise that i hav to work doubly hard from nw if i want to enter a good college...The nex day,i came back then me,kt and lee ling went to miss natasya's house for raya..haha..and we ate and had fun.b4 goin back,she gave us all a small duit raya..tq Miss Natasya..At nite,me,fu nien,san jian,yang and hiew who drove his Peugeot to go and fetch ricky from the airport(air asia de) and the journey there was a breathtaking 1 as hiew nearly bang into a mercedes and another car..lolz..
The past 1 week was a seriously marathon week...on monday,we had a maths mini trial in which it was super hard+half the class failed..lolz..then on tues,it was my eng presentation,luckily my group did fairly well..then wed,we had a maths quiz and luckily it was a open book 1..then on thurs,we had a photoshoot day for SAM students..haha..we had a fun time in which im gonna miss this time of my life vry soon..best of luck to all my SAM frens..after the photoshoot session,I had an acc test in which is also super hard..dun rlly noe how to write the report..T.T..haha..On fri morn,we had and acc presentation and finally ordeal week 1 is over.After econ class,me and ricky followed fu nien to kajang and we went for mini shopping,cuz ntg much to c/do there..lolz..then afterthat we went to sushi king for dinner b4 nien sister sent us to the taxi stand and we took a taxi back to INTI
Lolz..ordeal week 1 is over..haiz..week 2 will be starting soon and the week after is trials..then study week and then final xm..scared scared..to all my fellow classmates,lets study hard and then after the xm,we'll go PARTY!!!..haha..anyways to my most lovable grandma,take good care and i'll pray hard for everything to go fine in the operation on Monday..im sry i cant come back and take care of u as we initially planned to..till i get to go back malacca,plz take care.
eh,tak post more pic?
haha..cannot ler..i curi curi snap from on top 1...i wanted to snap at the ground..the stpd guard dun let
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