Today i went out again wif gary and xy+ her ns frens..i went to pick up gary at bout 10 and went to mp...i thought xy reached adi bt she replied my msg saying that shes gona be abit me and gary went and walk round mp 1st...i then raced daytona wif him losing cause of sum mistake..lolz..then later i played cobra the arcade again...after that,xy called and say shes there we went down to meet her..i was kinda shocked to see her actually as she changed alot since i last saw her in december last year..shes nw darker and her short hair changed her appearance alot..lolz..then we went to meet her 2 friends-sue and ros..they are not exactly twins but the way they dress from top to toe which is totally the same makes me and gary think that they r twins..lolz..afterthat we went to meet up wif another 2 of her fren,1 guy and 1 gurl,huey ru and wei hao...
After meeting them,we walked round a while more before meeting up wif another 2 of her fren who brought additional a few frens whom 1 of them resemble melanie(even gary agreed)..her that fren is called chew huey and ai sin..after that,we went for lunch in mcd at dp as we were hungry d...after lunch they went to the photo machine booth to snap pic..xy and her ns frens were in there while me and gary waited outside..After watching,chew huey and her frens wanted to watch a movie while me,gary and xy were more into bowling so we split with them from here and crossed over to mp again..i could use my student card so we could bowl abit cheaper..i bowled bad initially bt ain't as bad as gary whose ball keep going into the drain and his overall score was oni bout 7-12..XD...towards the end he cheated by changing my name to his and his to mine when it was my turn to bowl,bt when it was his turn,i changed his name to gay..hehehehe.. bt i managed to rise up later with a strike and spares however i still lose to ros in the end by abit..haha..after that,i followed gary to sent him back..afterthat i went to mph to find back xy and her frens bt she was there alone as her 2 frens went back already..since she wanted to see some books,i also stayed around there until her fren who jz finished their movie called and said want to bowl again,then we went up again..and i managed to get a cheaper price once more..we bowled and i started off wif a strike bt then played badly till the last 3 throws in which i gt a spare for each..however i still lose to 1 more person-ai theng(sry i cant rmb hw to spell ur name d..paiseh)
After bowling,xy wanted to go home as she felt bored so i jz accompany down and afterthat,i went to race a while before going i wanted to enter parkson,i saw a dummy wearing a ripcurl shirt..and i tot i saw wrongly,i turned back and see again and i was i looked round and found 1 small part selling rip curl items..yeah..finally..lolz..It was overall quite fun..knew more ppl again today..lolz..
At night,i finally managed to solve the term which i was thinking for 4 months "today is the tomorrow you worry about yesterday"...yesss!!! happy..haha...well lately,its lik im being forgotten as day passes by,just like in fuka and yuuto's may jz be a matter of time before more ppl starts forgetting being a minority already..well,i alwiz was a minority i its alrite,i lived my life as it is..and im sure 1 day i won't be a minority anymore..
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